Own yourself in 2024

Own yourself in 2024

Let's be honest—how many New Year's resolutions have we made to change ourselves, only to find them slipping away? This year, let's shift our focus to self-improvement, not a complete overhaul. We aim to reveal our true selves—our feelings, desires, and aspirations. For many of us, fashion plays a significant role in expressing who we are and making us feel good about ourselves.

However, juggling busy schedules and tight budgets can make this challenging. In 2024, our goal is to exude confidence, wear every outfit with pride, and proudly declare, "It's second hand" when complimented, savouring that extra special feeling.

Girl in a long black dress holding a red patent lady dior bag in a room with a red chair and a black moon photograph

Here's our roadmap for the year:

  • Ditch Unrealistic Resolutions:

Instead of setting unattainable goals, create a vision board. Reflect on your dreams and consider how you can genuinely improve yourself. Set achievable steps toward your aspirations.
  • Build a Wardrobe that Reflects You:

Pinterest is our go-to platform. Pin outfits that resonate with you to identify your style. Assess your closet and part ways with anything that doesn't align with your style or hasn't seen daylight in ages.
  • Wear What You Love:

It's time to liberate your wardrobe. Wear those pieces you've always wanted to but felt too shy or hesitant. Let go of items that don't bring you joy or comfort.
  • Quality Over Quantity:

When it comes to fashion, invest in quality over quantity. Seek out designer pieces that align with your style and will make a statement in your wardrobe.



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